Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Two years and some more...

Today has been two years, working for UK aid agency. I've to confess that it took for nearly eight months to feel fitting in this work; a lot to learn on the system, work nature, people, everything.

I remember the times, I feel anxious and exhausted, grumbled that well, I cannot make it anymore. On the other hand, just because of working here, I happened to meet some nice people, explore new opportunities and learn from the unique experiences which all impacted the way I see work like (& personal life) a bit calmer and a bit more mature.

So, this was interesting two years and it is still exciting to be part of it. I have no idea yet when the time will come for me to move on. For now, amidst this global health crisis, I take life one day at a time. All I am overwhelmed today is by the sense of knowing that it has been two years.

Good or bad, life itself is a journey, you just need to have stamina to walk on and make no excuse.

A little drama: I miss office desk, morning 
coffee & chitchatting with colleagues

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