Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A decade without you, Grandma

Today marks 10 years since my maternal grandma passed away.
She was a teacher at school, a decision-maker at home, and a mediator for many family dramas in relatives. She was an organizer who led educating nutrition awareness for children in our community. She was the one who always got ready to help anyone who needed bits of help. She was an eternal believer in Buhhda’s teachings and practiced it every day, spreading kindness and love in all the way she could. She was never silent and stayed at the sideline for unfairness even if it wasn’t her business. And she found joy in making herself beautiful, inside and out. And the list can go on and on.
Perhaps I am a bit biased in saying all of those. But it all truly reflected who she was, and she didn’t fail to pass all those values to us. I wish she could have been with us longer. I wish she could have seen me living with the values she instilled in me. I wish she could have seen me becoming a grown-up, responsible man from a stubborn little boy who once was unhappy with his life and struggled to escape.
Every single day, I feel your presence in the choices I make—whether they're tough or simple, just like you would have made them yourself. You lived your life with grace and grit for yourself and for others. I take it as your legacy, and it continues to light my way. I hope I am making you proud. I miss you every day.

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