Sunday, January 22, 2023

Festivals are for unity, not for divisions

Festivals are meant to unite people because they have power to bring people together. In fact, I believe that festivals are good events to learn each other, different cultures and traditions - people to people - with fun mood because none of the festivals is based on haterd and discrimination. So, I do not believe we do need to be Chinese to celebrate Chinese new year or similarly we do not need to be Christian to enjoy Christmas. 

I’m sick of people making jokes on social media by using many memes saying “the non-Chinese are enjoying Chinese New Year much more than Chinese People.” I have seen the same such sentiment during the Christmas time, claiming “non-Christian are enjoying Christmas than the Christian.” To enjoy water festival in celebration of Myanmar New Year, does anyone make case that who you are and what religion you follow? That simple.

Superficially, it seems like jokes and fun but it all very much is based on racial identifications. To me, festivals are intercultural; celebrating them is a choice. You can celebrate and learn whatever festival is if you want to regardless of race and religion. I’m a half Chinese, but I do not celebrate this year even last year because I am not in the mood to enjoy it amidst tons of messes and challenges we all face. It’s all about a matter of choice. 

We all need to be sensitive in all the ways - if we all are determined to build a fairer, more diverse and inclusive union beyond this revolution.

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