Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Becoming a communicator: 8 years on and more

Just happen to remember that today marks my 8th year of working as a communicator by telling stories. Years passed by, things changed a lot personally, socially and politically - everything is struggling now but I still believe that we all have our little space to do what we are good at and what we believe - my part is to tell stories on every possible channels; on social media, in office pantry verbally or in tea shop with friends - sometimes with joy and often by crying a little bit.
Eternally I believe that stories can inspire each other, can relay energy and resilience to pave a way towards better.
I am so grateful for the opportunity and privilege to be able to do that over the past eight years. Forwards and upwards, I will keep doing what I’m doing.

Cooking with memories

Every time I cook, I’m abounding with sweet memories of my grandma. Every summer, all of us— six cousins used to gather at our grandparents&...